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Overthinking can affect our lives, our jobs, our inner peace. 

And for introverts, it can really create problems, because it tends to become a habit. 

Do you find yourself ruminating over a subject, for very long periods of time? 

Maybe you have to make a decision and your mind is constantly racing about pros and cons, about what can happen if…., and all the details about what you have to do in each scenario or what you have done and led you in the situation you are in. 

Overthinking is taking a lot of time, because you go on and on, for hours, if not days, about some subjects that are not even so important sometimes. 

Maybe you get stuck on a dialogue you had, that probably took 5 minutes but had an emotional impact, and then you keep analysing all the possible answers you could have given, all the possible things that can happen next and what might this person think about you now. 

But, not only is it a waste of time, but it can affect your work focus, your sleep and  your general wellbeing and inner balance. 

Why do we tend to overthink?

Because our minds are more active (researches show that introverts have more brain activity then extroverts, even in resting times) and we have very rich inner worlds. 

Also, for extroverts, even if they tend to do this, since they express themselves more often and like to be surrounded by many people, there is a big chance they decide to share what they are thinking. And when you say it out loud or when somebody else hears you, there is a big chance for you to realise or for the other person to tell you that you are overthinking. That the subject is not worth wasting so much time, or that there is a more simple or practical solution to end the dilemma or take the decision. You can make a list, ask somebody, talk to the person that you have left unsolved business with and so on. 

What can you do when your mind just won’t stop racing?

Whenever you notice yourself overthinking, moving your focus to something else might help. Take a break and do something you enjoy, like listening to your favourite music, reading a book, taking a bath and so on.

And when the overthinking is about something important and you need to solve a situation or take a decision, try one of the following:

1.Take a walk. Physical movement, fresh air and changing the view can help you get some clarity.

2.Write it down. You can choose to write down your thoughts, to make a list or to write an imaginary letter to the person you are upset with. Writing has therapeutic power.

3.Take action. If the reason of your racing mind is wondering how to do a certain thing or trying to decide all the steps for achieving a goal, just do something. Do the first step, even if you don’t know what the next 9, 19, 500 steps will be. Start and maybe you will get more clarity on the way.

4.Talk to somebody. A fresh perspective can often be helpful. This can be tricky if you do not have a support system or a person that you can trust.

Speaking of the last piece of advice, as an introvert or highly sensitive person, I know it is not easy to open yourself up to people.

But having a support system is very important. If you do not have a close friend that can understand and support you, you can seek a therapist or join a support group. It doesn’t even have to be in your city or even in your country. The online group meetings can be a very good solution.

Now that the community is growing, we will organise support group meetings online, as well. We will talk about the daily challenges, share interesting resources and we will help each other grow.

Also, as a member of our community, you have access to counselling (private), in order to be able to discuss what is most important for you and get the support you need.

Our counselling services focus on helping introverts and highly sensitive people to understand and manage their unique needs. Through these discussions, we aim to empower introverts and highly sensitive people to thrive in their lives and relationships. We also want to create a safe space for introverts and highly sensitive people to explore their feelings and perspectives.

You can find more details about group and private counselling here.

Don’t overthink it! 😊 If you think you could use the help, schedule  a FREE 30 minutes Counselling Evaluation, right now.

Author: Diana

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