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Introversion is a personality style characterised by a focus on internal feelings, more than on external sources of stimulation.
An introvert is someone who prefers calm, minimally stimulating environments, spends more time focusing on inner thoughts and ideas than what’s happening externally. They enjoy spending time with one or two people, or even alone, rather than large groups or crowds.

What is meditation?

Meditation is actually a set of techniques, intended to calm the mind and the body and to increase focus and awareness. Basically, it is the practice of focusing your mind for a period of time, noticing what is happening in your body and mind, but not engaging with the thoughts or sensations.
There are many types of meditation, each with its specific purpose and benefits.
Meditation has been often linked to religion and almost every religion has a tradition of using meditative practices. But many people practise it independently of any religious belief.
Meditation is often recommended by psychologists, coaches and therapists because of its many benefits.

Meditation helps relieve anxiety, increases focus and mindfulness and can help people get clarity.
There are many types of meditation, with different levels of difficulty and different objectives. Just some examples would be:
– Mindfulness meditation
– Focused attention meditation
– Body scan meditation
– Mantra meditation
If you have not tried it yet, I hope we have given you enough reasons to give it a chance. You can find information online about meditation, courses even and for an easy start, you can try some guided meditations.

How to meditate for maximum benefits?

If you started to be curious about the benefits of meditation, here are some tips for getting the most out of this practice.
1. Plan it.
Set a time and place for this practice, preferably early in the morning or before you go to sleep.
Introducing it into your daily routine will help you turn it into a habit, which, in the long term, will bring a lot of benefits.

2. Find the most comfortable position
Don’t worry about sitting in a lotus position or anything else that seems difficult for you. The most important thing is to be comfortable. So, wear comfortable clothes, find a good position, on the floor or on a chair and just relax and enjoy the process.

3. Breathe
During meditation, it is important to breathe calmly and slowly. Pay attention to your breath, how the air comes in and out of the body. It is the best way to start meditating and to bring yourself in the present moment.

Why is meditation very good for introverts, and not only

Meditation is an amazing practice that supports physical and emotional health.
Here are some of the most important benefits of meditation:
– Improves attention and focus.
– Improves sleep.
– Supports brain activity and concentration.
– Relieves anxiety and stress.
– Support cardiac health.
Is it easier for introverts to meditate?

It might be. Because, the need to be alone and the need for inner searching is something natural to them.
Being alone with their thoughts is something they often choose to do. From this to meditation is just one small step.
But, at the same time, introverts have a very rich inner life. And, very often, they tend to overthink or to over analyse some situations, which can make focusing on one thing, like meditation asks, quite hard.

So, what we can say for a fact is that meditation is a very healthy and useful practice. It gives the opportunity to experience inner peace and awareness of the present moment. It allows you to fully
enjoy the “now” without distracting thoughts. It is the best way to learn to let go.

No matter if you are an introvert or not, and if you consider it easy or not, just give it a try. See how you feel, after a few days. Try different types of meditation until you find the one that best suits your needs.
We are preparing some interesting materials about meditation, so feel free to join our community and be the first to know, whenever there are new and interesting resources available.

Author: Diana

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