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Did you ever feel like you are more efficient in your work, if you work alone? Did you ever decline an invitation to a party because you were looking forward to spending some time alone?
You are not the only one. And what you feel is perfectly normal, and might be an indication that you are, as a personality type, an introvert.

Introversion is a personality style characterized by a focus on internal feelings, more than on external sources of stimulation. Introverts and extroverts are often described as extreme opposites, but the reality is that most people lie somewhere in the middle.
An introvert is someone who prefers calm, minimally stimulating environments, spends more time
focusing on inner thoughts and ideas than what’s happening externally. They enjoy spending time with one or two people, or even alone, rather then large groups or crowds.

While introverts are estimated to represent 25% to 40% of the population, there are still many
misconceptions about this personality type and a lot of social pressure to be different, to change or to hide their discomfort in some social situation.
It is important to understand your personality type, because knowing this can help you be use your strengths at maximum and choose the most appropriate environment to perform in your work or recharge your energy.

How can you tell if you are an introvert?

1. Being Around Lots of People Drains Your Energy

Do you feel exhausted after spending time with a lot of people? Do you feel the need to be alone and recharge after social interactions?
The main difference between introverts and extroverts is the way they gain energy. The introverts consume energy while being in the company of a lot of people, while extroverts gain energy in groups of people. This does not mean that you do not like people or that you should avoid them. Many introverts enjoy spending time around others, but they tend to prefer the company of close friends, in smaller crowds.

2. You Are Drawn to Jobs That Involve Independence

There are certain jobs that are more suitable for introvert people. They thrive in an environment that gives them time to focus, to create, to work independent. Since social interaction consumes them very much, a job that requires a lot of social interactions, with clients, or even with team members, might not be very attractive. So, if you feel like you would rather not interact with a lot of people in your work, you might be an introvert.

3. You enjoy being alone

How do you like to spend your free time? Do you prefer a quiet afternoon, with a book, taking a walk or doing something by yourself?
If this sounds good, and after a few hours to yourself, you feel energized and even ready to spend time with the loved ones, you might be an introvert. This does no mean you want to be alone all the time. The key is to remember that you need to recharge in solitude or calm activities from time to time.

4. You Have a Small Group of Close Friends

If your social circle tends to be small but very close, there’s a pretty good chance you are an introvert. One common misconception about introverts is that they do not like people. While introverts do not enjoy socializing with big groups of people, they enjoy spending time with their close friends, to whom they are particularly close. They will always prefer a dinner with friends to a party with a lot of people. Studies show that introverts actually tend to create profound and significant relationships. They would rather have few friends and connect to a more profound level, in deep conversation.

5. You Are Very Self-Aware

Because introversion means a lot of focus on inner world, feelings, thoughts and motivation,
introvert people tend to know themselves better.
If you find yourself examining yourself and everything you think and feel, there is a big chance you are an introvert. This is one of the many strengths of introverts, which helps them develop and grow. They tend to invest in self-development, explore hobbies and prioritize their own evolution.

Misconceptions about introverts

There are many misconceptions about introverts, widely spread, and also a lot of pressure to be different, as if there is something wrong with being an introvert. Introverts are often labelled as shy, arrogant, lonely, arrogant, antisocial or selfish. Sometimes, their need to be lonely can be wrongly interpreted or taken personally by others. The truth is, there is nothing wrong with being an introvert. They are not awkward, they don’t hate people, and they don’t need to be fixed. They are amazing just as they are, and being an introvert, as
any other personality trait, comes with benefits and disadvantages.

Did you ever feel pressure to be different? Or to go to a party you do not feel like?
We are different and we thrive in different situations and circumstances. Labels like team-player, sociable, fun or boring limit very much our knowledge of ourselves and the ones around us.
You should celebrate what you are, accept it and find the best job, group of people or environment you feel most comfortable in and that can support your growth. Because, if you are an introvert and you ever thought this is something bad and you need to change, you have arrived in the best place to discover the opposite.
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